Thursday, September 12, 2002

(Dictation from random section of my dad's telephone conversation.)

"What about housing them though? Oh, and we can't oh i see, it was a labor force. labor...force... (dixie chicks playing from his headphones) Immigrants bring us the labor, and we can't house them. Of course we can't house lots of people now. (laughs)...well right now we look pretty unsustainable. And then it goes on. Well...good. (laughs) ohokay. I might add that. OK. Uh, later on it says, i need a short form here obviously. Is that over-simplifying it?...Alright. OK. (types) OK, gotcha. How bout a UCSD regionally based public program with the movers and shakers? Because you don't invite gardeners. (abrupt laugh) I'm scanning down here, I got Yankelovich and Mary in there too. Down near the end it says uh, Wallshock sees it as her rainforest analogy. I don't know if you've heard this before. Again she explains that earlier in terms of cross-fertilization, no species dominates, all of that. Urines. He also reports a great restedness among the Movers and Shakers. A San Diego kitchen table, where everyone gets invited for breakfast."

That's it, I can't take any more.

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