Thursday, August 29, 2002

Hello world. Perhaps a word about myself to begin with. My name is Matthew Louv, I live in suburbia, and I'm a loose cannon who needs to be kept under constant surveilance so I won't hurt myself or others with sharp words. If you've ever seen what suburbia has become you'll appreciate my life more. Most social occasions as of now, (without a car) consist of lurking around the local theater while my friends and I try to convince ourselves we're the wildest, most brilliant group of jackass rebels ever to grimace and look at people funny. You can never really take yourself too seriously when you're drinking Jamba Juice and whining about "all the damn yuppies."

Oh yes yes, I do go on about Starbucks and the lot but you've all already heard it, hopefully get it, and are probably damn sick of dealing with teenage malcontents so I'll save all the drama for trying to impress girls. As long as I'm only tolerably pretentious my postings should entertain.

Fight the good fight and all...say no to drugs...

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